President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud meeting with members of the federal government

Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud

 The new Somali government awaits difficult tasks and important files, most notably saving the country from famine and terrorism, developing the economy, and enhancing political stability. On Tuesday, Somali Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Berri revealed the formation of the new Somali government, after nearly two months of political consultations between the Somali parties.

The government consists of 75 members; Deputy Prime Minister, 25 ministers, 25 deputy ministers, and 24 ministers of state, with a shy women's presence that did not exceed 10 bags.

However, the lineup witnessed an overwhelming presence of young names, and the council was dominated by members of the Peace and Development Union party, to which President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud and Prime Minister Berri belonged.

The Somali Prime Minister said that he chose the members of the government according to experience, competence and education, describing the new government as (a government of national interest).

He called on the Somali parliament to grant it confidence, pledging to put forward a program that touches the reality of the ordinary Somali citizen and to work towards compatibility of visions with the political program of President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud.

For his part, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud welcomed the formation of the new federal government. Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud held a welcoming meeting with members of the new government at the presidential palace, congratulating them on their positions, and urging them to diligently carry out their tasks in the service of the country.

According to a statement issued by the Presidential Palace in the capital, Mogadishu, the Somali President praised Prime Minister Hamza Berri for the intensive consultations he carried out and the efforts he made in building a quality government capable of meeting the aspirations of the Somali people and implementing the president's political vision that focuses on reconciliation with the home and abroad.

President Mahmoud addressed the members of the new government, saying, "The Somali people expect you to serve them honestly, and to work to solve the problems they are suffering with, and for that it is necessary for the government to work responsibly and together."

He urged the Cabinet to focus on ensuring security, mitigating the impact of drought, reconciliation, completing the constitutional review, improving governance and infrastructure for the Somali people, as well as improving Somalia's diplomatic relations with the world.

The President of the Republic asked the members of the People's Assembly in the Federal Parliament to approve the government, including the confidence, so that they can quickly perform the national duties entrusted to them.

In his first comment on the new lineup, the Somali political analyst, Omar Yusuf, said (there are many challenges on the government's path, first to gain the confidence of Parliament and to put forward a national program that meets consensus among all parties).

Yousef considers the presence of the second man in the Al-Shabaab movement, Sheikh Mukhtar Robow Ali “Abu Mansour” shows the government’s seriousness in the war on terrorism by drawing on the experience of the organization’s previous leaders.

He expressed his hope that the government would achieve tangible progress on files, most notably holding direct popular elections, completing the country's constitution, strengthening relations with the states, achieving tangible field victories over terrorism, achieving economic development, creating job opportunities and achieving balance in foreign policy.

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