The government eliminated the "Al-Shabab movement" in the Hayat Hotel

Hayat hotel

 The commander of the Somali police force, Abdi Hassan Hajjar, spoke to the media at the Hayat Hotel and said that the government forces had ended the attack on the hotel. This calmed the fear of the people who had been controlling it since the explosion.

Government forces bombed the Al-Hayat Hotel with heavy bombardment last night until the Al-Shabab movement, which targets the lives of Somalis and threatens the security and stability of the country and affects the relationship of Somalia with other countries, is completely eliminated.

Commander Hajjar said that the attack on Al Hayat Hotel resulted in many deaths and injuries, and indicated that they will report the victims and wait for information from the Ministry of Health until the families of the victims are informed and the families of the survivors are reassured.

The control of Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud isolates the situation and his ability to solve all situations and confront the Al-Shabaab movement to expel them permanently from Somalia so that the people can live their lives in safety

The efforts of the current government to eliminate al-Shabab, unlike the previous government, which supported them indicates that the current government is trying to save the lives of the Somali people from all the threats they face, so they must be supported

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