President Hassan Sheikh supported the army and the people against the Al-Shabab

Hassan Sheikh

 Somali President Hassan Sheikh said, in his speech yesterday at the funeral of Lieutenant-General Farhan Karol, that the country today has no enemies other than Al-Shabab fighters, so a great war will be waged against them until they are expelled from our country, Somalia.

The president indicated that the Al-Shabaab movement that explodes and the one that supports it are the same enemy, as they are not different from each other because the two participate in taking the lives of the Somali people and destroying them

The president promised that he would confront terrorism, and President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, we are accustomed to fulfilling the promises, so the people must stand behind the president until terrorism is eliminated and their expulsion from Somalia once and for all.

The president promised to support the Somali army and people against terrorism until the end of this crisis that lasted for years, draining Somalia's resources and killing lives, so it must end quickly before Somalia loses more than that.

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud is striving to solve all the problems of Somalia, which have been greatly increased, as he is trying to eliminate the terrorism that is destroying Somalia, and he is trying to solve the drought crisis that puts the people in great distress, and all crises target the lives of the people

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