President Hassan Sheikh addresses terrorism issues in his address to the General Assembly

President Hassan Sheikh

 In his address to the United Nations General Assembly, President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud addressed the issues of terrorism, drought and climate change and their effects on his country. In his speech, the President pledged to eliminate the threat of Al-Shabaab and other terrorist groups in his country in cooperation with the Somali people.

Mahmoud said that the Somali government will play a leading role in combating terrorism and will continue to work with all its partners, including the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia, but added that Somalia needs international support to implement its plans, noting that terrorism is a challenge that contributes to the exacerbation of other crises such as the lack of Food security, displacement of people from their homes and climate change.

The President called on Somalia's partners to do everything they can to help avert a looming famine, which he said is also threatening the Horn of Africa. “In Somalia, we are working tirelessly to move from more than two decades of devastating conflict, drought, famine and development stagnation to a new era of stability, progress and prosperity,” the president said. However, despite our continuous efforts, Somalia and its resilient people are facing some of the most complex crises in the world.

"We urge all our partners to heed our call and work with us to provide immediate support and relief to the most affected communities," he added. He pointed out that Somalia for the first time formed a new Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to deal with the catastrophic effects of environmental degradation, and explained that his country is trapped between floods and droughts annually due to climate change and weak infrastructure.

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