A delegation from the World Bank visits Somalia

World Bank visits Somalia

 Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud received, on Sunday evening, at the presidential palace in Mogadishu, a high-level delegation from the World Bank. According to a statement issued by the Somali presidency, President Mahmoud held talks with the World Bank's Regional Vice President for Eastern and Southern Africa, Victoria Kwakwa, and discussed with her the strengthening of cooperation between Somalia and the World Bank.

The President also briefed the visiting delegation on the efforts of the current government to push Somalia towards stability and prosperity, calling for doubling the World Bank's support to Somalia and increasing the number of Somali citizens working for it.

For her part, the World Bank official expressed her appreciation and thanks to the Somali President for the kind reception and praised his commitment to achieving stability in the country and reforming the financial sector to meet debt relief requirements.

The visit comes weeks after the World Bank approved $50 million in additional financing through the Crisis Response Window (CRW) from the International Development Association (IDA) for Phase II of the Somalia Urban Resilience Project (SURP-II).

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