The UAE joins an international plan to protect Somali women

international plan to protect Somali women

 The UAE has joined the other signatories of the Security Council in joint commitments on issues of women, peace and security; They called on the United Nations Mission to provide assistance to Somalia, for a more gender-inclusive humanitarian response, and to create a safe environment for women and girls.

Doing so is critical, especially in light of the ongoing attacks by Al-Shabaab and other armed groups, the alarming increase in levels of sexual and gender-based violence, and the ongoing drought in Somalia, which disproportionately affects women and girls.

The UAE, along with the co-signatories, welcomed the launch of the Somalia Action Plan to implement the Somali Women's Charter, the National Action Plan on Security Council Resolution No. 1325, and the initiatives taken by the Somali government and the United Nations as part of the 16-day campaign to combat violence against women.

On the other hand, the UAE, in a session of the Security Council on the situation in the Central African Republic, stressed several points to clarify the importance of comprehensive dialogue and a pragmatic approach to support peace efforts in this country.

The UAE said, in a statement delivered by Ambassador Lana Nusseibeh, the country's permanent representative to the United Nations, that the Security Council is committed, through the MINUSCA mission, to achieving peace and stability in the Central African Republic. She added, "The UAE reaffirms its full support for the Special Representative and the MINUSCA mission, and stresses the importance of the constructive relationship between the government of the Central African Republic and the MINUSCA mission for the success of the mission's mandate."

Lana Nusseibeh indicated that the recent decision regarding operating night flights will contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of the MINUSCA mission, stressing that the UAE welcomes this decision, and we look forward to continuing this constructive participation, and that its scope be expanded, to address other core issues, to enable the mission to fully implement its mandate.

She noted that despite the existence of a number of complex challenges, there is remarkable progress that the people and government of the Central African Republic continue to make, including planning for elections in 2023, the government taking charge of implementing the peace agreement and the Luanda road map, as well as efforts to build institutions and improve services. core, which are all improvements that must be maintained.

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