Prime Minister: Somalia is on the path to development and recovery

Hamza Abdi Barre

 Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hamza Abdi Barre, said that Somalia is on the path to development and recovery. While participating in the screening of a film about the various stages that the efforts to build the Somali state went through, Barre pointed out that the citizens of his country decided to lift the pressure of terrorists and enemies of peace and development on themselves.

The Prime Minister expressed his hope that Somalia would become a place free of terrorism in the near future and called on the Somali people to unite against the diseases that afflict the country, such as: terrorism, tribalism and corruption.

He extended his thanks and appreciation to the government and people of the Republic of Djibouti for their role in building the Somali state, noting that Djibouti spared no effort in achieving Somalia's recovery after the collapse of the Somali state.

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