Transferring aid donated by the UAE to Bakool Province in South West State

The Somali Disaster Management Agency sent a plane loaded with relief supplies to Hudder, the capital of Bakool District in Southwestern Somalia.

Transferring aid donated by the UAE to Bakool Province in South West State

 In a step that embodies international cooperation and solidarity, the Somali Disaster Management Agency sent a plane loaded with relief supplies to Hudder, the capital of Bakool region in southwestern Somalia. This operation aims to provide necessary food aid to people in the border areas.

This step comes within the framework of ongoing efforts to provide humanitarian aid to people suffering from the repercussions of the El Niño phenomenon. The aim of transporting aid to the region is to provide food aid to people in the border areas and villages severely affected by the El Niño phenomenon.

The government of the United Arab Emirates donated this aid, and it was seen off at Adam Adi Airport by Dr. Abdul Rahman Wahid, Assistant Head of the Somali Disaster Management Agency. The United Arab Emirates is one of the most prominent donor countries to Somalia, and has shown a firm commitment to supporting humanitarian and development efforts. in the country over the years.

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