An East African Community meeting in Nairobi to discuss the integration of Somalia

Delegates from the East African Community on Monday began a week-long meeting in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi

An East African Community meeting in Nairobi to discuss the integration of Somalia

 Delegates from the East African Community on Monday began a week-long meeting in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, to develop a comprehensive roadmap for integrating Somalia into the regional bloc. Newly appointed Secretary-General of the East African Community Veronica Mwinyi Ndova, who formally opened the meeting, stressed the importance of including Somalia, highlighting the potential benefits to both Somalia and the wider East African community.

“Somalia’s accession to the group opens new horizons for participation in regional infrastructure projects such as railways and energy networks, which are essential for economic development,” Ndova stated.

For his part, the Special Presidential Envoy of the East African Community, Abdel Salam Omar Hadliyeh, expressed his optimism about the cooperative efforts, stressing Somalia’s dedication to achieving the goals of the East African Community.

Somalia is preparing to elect 9 legislators to the East African Legislative Assembly and appoint a judge to the Trial Chamber of the East African Court of Justice, strengthening its commitment to the regional integration process.

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