The Somali President meets the Speaker of the Arab Parliament

The Somali President meets the Speaker of the Arab Parliament

The Somali President meets the Speaker of the Arab Parliament

 The President of the Republic, Dr. Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, met with the Speaker of the Arab Parliament, Mr. Adel Abdel Rahman Al-Asoumi, during his official visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt.

During the meeting, Mr. Al-Asomi affirmed the position of the Arab Parliament rejecting any attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of Somalia, violate its sovereignty, or undermine its territorial integrity and territorial integrity, noting that respect for Somalia’s sovereignty is an integral part of Arab national security.

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament praised the President’s efforts to achieve security and stability, achieve comprehensive development in the Republic of Somalia and confront economic and development challenges, stressing at the same time the Arab Parliament’s support for the efforts made by the Federal Republic of Somalia in its war on terrorism, praising the successes it has achieved in this regard.

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament renewed his congratulations to the President on the occasion of the election of the Federal Republic of Somalia as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the session (2025-2026), stressing that this step represents an added value to Arab diplomacy in the United Nations, which will reflect positively on the handling of Arab issues in this organization. Internationalism.

For his part, the President of the Republic praised the role of the Arab Parliament and the efforts it is making to defend Arab issues by employing the role of parliamentary diplomacy to achieve the interests of the great Arab people.

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