Somali Minister of Justice receives legal experts from Sudan

Somali Minister of Justice receives legal experts from Sudan

Somali Minister of Justice receives legal experts from Sudan

 The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs in the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Hassan Moalim, received in his office on Tuesday, Professor Ahmed Ismail and Professor Mohamed Al-Fateh, two legal experts from Sudan.

The meeting, in which the Minister was joined by Saleh Tablawi from the Somali Supreme Court and officials from the Judiciary, focused on exchanging expertise in legal and judicial matters. The Minister welcomed the two Sudanese experts, thanked them for their visit to the country and wished brotherly Sudan a full recovery.

The governments of Somalia and Sudan enjoy a deep and historical brotherly relationship, and Sudan is one of the countries that has tirelessly supported the government and people of Somalia, when they were in dire need of support.

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