President Hassan Sheikh announces the start of a new military operation against Al-Shabaab

President Hassan Sheikh

 Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud announced the start of a new military operation against the Al-Shabaab movement, west of the Hiran region, in central Somalia, in light of his attempts to expel the Al-Shabaab movement from Somalia permanently.

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud said after his arrival on Sunday in the city of “Baldwin”, the center of Hiran region, that the war will also start in areas of the Middle Shabelle and Galgudud regions, while strong preparations are underway in the states of Southwest and Jubbaland.

He added that the federal government is very happy with the efforts made to liberate Galmudug and Hirshabelle, noting that the Somalis will not rest as long as the Al-Shabaab fighters remain in any part of the country and will not rest until the evil is extracted from the country.

The president promised that the government would undertake reconstruction and development for all areas liberated from Al-Shabaab, and stated that the residents of the states of Hirshebeli and Galmudug rose to confront the Al-Shabaab group.

 He pointed out that the problem of the Al-Shabab movement, which lasted 15 years, must be put to an end, and said that victory looms, and that the fighters of the "Al-Shabab movement" were defeated and unable to confront the government forces on the battlefields, and they only had to use explosions, adding (they will complete the victory).

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