Liberating two areas in Mudug region from Al-Shabaab

Mudug region

 A statement issued by the federal government confirmed that the national army, with the support of local militias, took control of the areas of Sargo and Qadad in the Mudug region in the center of the country on Saturday.

The statement stated that more than 30 Al-Shabaab members were killed in that operation, while four military vehicles were destroyed, two vehicles were seized, and many weapons were confiscated. The statement indicated that the army and the brave people are carrying out combing operations in the two liberated areas located on the outskirts of the city of Amara.

The Somali government expressed its gratitude to the people who decided to stand up to the enemies of the Somali nation and also stand by the national army. The government affirmed its commitment to supporting the Somali people in punishing the Kharijite conspirators who dare to harm the people and the country and refuse to abandon the extremist ideology and actions of the Kharijites.

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