The Somali president and US officials discuss counter-terrorism efforts

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud met with senior officials from the US leadership

The Somali president and US officials discuss counter-terrorism efforts

 Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud met with senior officials from US Africa Command (AFRICOM) on Monday to discuss ongoing efforts to combat the Al-Shabaab insurgency in Somalia and the region.

The meeting, which was held at the Presidential Palace in Mogadishu, was attended by the Chargé d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Somalia, A. Shane Dixon and Colonel David are alive. Haskell, commander of AFRICOM in Somalia, as well as commander of the Somali National Army and commander of the Somali Army Infantry.

The US government expressed steadfast support for Somalia's war against Al-Shabaab, an Al-Qaeda-affiliated armed group that has been waging a violent campaign against the Somali government and its allies for more than a decade. US officials praised the Somali National Army for its resolute dedication to combating the extremist group and its commitment to protecting the lives of Somali citizens.

President Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud thanked the American government for its continued assistance and cooperation in anti-terrorism efforts. He stressed the crucial role of international partnership in the fight against Al-Shabaab, which poses a major threat not only to Somalia but also to global security and stability.

He also stressed that the Somali people and the Somali government are fully committed to supporting military operations to eliminate Al-Shabaab and restore peace and security in Somalia and the region.

Somali military leaders also highlighted the importance of a peaceful and terrorism-free Somalia to contribute to regional stability. They pointed out that a stable and secure Somalia plays a pivotal role in promoting peace and security in the entire East African region, which has been affected by various conflicts and humanitarian crises.

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