The President of the Republic delivers a speech at the Saudi-African summit

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, delivered a speech at the Saudi-African Summit

The President of the Republic delivers a speech at the Saudi-African summit

 The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud, delivered a speech at the Saudi-African summit in which he addressed his country’s situation, opportunities for cooperation, and Somalia’s position on the Palestinian issue.

In his speech, the President stressed that the Kingdom and Somalia have historical relations and fruitful cooperation, and that they seek to build many opportunities to increase stability and prosperity. He expressed his thanks to the Kingdom for its support for economic reforms and political stability in Somalia, in order to address many crises such as the recent drought, in addition to strengthening efforts to combat terrorism.

He pointed out that the Somali government and people are interacting with developments in the region and the continent in parallel with rebuilding the country, strengthening government institutions and liberating the regions, explaining that his country has a bright future.

The President stated that his country's economic strategy aims to develop international partnerships due to the natural and industrial resources that Somalia enjoys, pointing out that his country's strategic location enables it to secure food and energy security and enhance Saudi and African economic prosperity, which is an opportunity to support and facilitate the role of entrepreneurship in Somalia.

The President of the Republic urged the leaders participating in the forum to recognize the challenges and circumstances taking place on the continent, and to give importance to Saudi-African cooperation. He touched on the current situation in Gaza, calling for an immediate ceasefire and allowing humanitarian aid to reach those affected, as well as achieving a two-state solution as soon as possible.

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