The head of the Somali Disaster Management Agency meets with the UAE Ambassador to the country

The head of the Somali Disaster Management Agency met with the ambassador of the sisterly UAE at the embassy headquarters in Mogadishu.

The head of the Somali Disaster Management Agency meets with the UAE Ambassador to the country

 The head of the Somali Disaster Management Agency, Mr. Mahmoud Maalim Abdullahi, met on Monday with His Excellency Ahmed Juma Al Rumaithi, Ambassador of the sisterly United Arab Emirates, at the embassy headquarters in Mogadishu.

Discussions during the meeting dealt with exploring opportunities available to the UAE government to enhance disaster resilience initiatives and assist in recovery efforts from past El NiƱo floods.

The focus was also on cooperation to develop sustainable solutions for recovery projects and enhance preparedness to face potential droughts in the future, and the UAE support plan aims to enhance the agency’s readiness and create a comprehensive reserve for rapid response.

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