The Somali Disaster Management Agency provides relief assistance to 900 families in Bulo Haji

The Somali Disaster Management Agency provides relief assistance to 900 families in Bulo Haji

The Somali Disaster Management Agency provides relief assistance to 900 families in Bulo Haji

 The Somali Disaster Management Agency provided relief assistance to 900 families in Bolo Haji area in Lower Juba region, after they were recently liberated from Al-Shabaab. Abdullah said: “We are here to provide immediate relief to the residents of Polo Haji. Our goal is to ensure they get the support they need to start rebuilding their lives.”

The agency's commissioner, Mahmoud Maalim Abdullah, stressed that any city liberated from the control of terrorists would receive immediate assistance and stated that his agency was committed to supporting the residents of Bolu Haji in their efforts to rebuild their lives.

Abdullah also urged residents to participate in their liberation from terrorists who deprive them of basic services and to cooperate with the national forces and Jubbaland forces to ensure safety and stability in the region, and stressed the importance of working together to create a safe environment for all.

The relief aid includes food, water and other basic supplies, and is part of a broader effort by the Somali government to support communities affected by terrorism. The government has pledged to continue providing assistance to all areas liberated from terrorist control.

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