Somali Deputy Prime Minister opens the Security and Climate Conference in Mogadishu

Today, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia opened the Security and Climate Conference

Somali Deputy Prime Minister opens the Security and Climate Conference in Mogadishu

 Today, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Somali Federal Government, Salih Ahmed Jama, opened the Security and Climate Conference in the capital, Mogadishu. The conference aims to explore the relationship between climate change and security, and brought together senior government officials and representatives of international partners.

This meeting represents an important step towards strengthening coordination between local and international officials, with the aim of improving the security sector’s preparedness to address the challenges associated with climate change.

Somalia, one of the countries most affected by climate change globally, faces recurring crises such as drought, famine and floods, exacerbating internal displacement and increasing the risk of conflict.

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