The United Nations is seeking $1.6 billion to help 5.2 million Somalis in 2024

The United Nations said it needs US$1.6 billion to meet the needs of 5.2 million people in Somalia

The United Nations is seeking $1.6 billion to help 5.2 million Somalis in 2024

 The United Nations said it needs US$1.6 billion to meet the needs of 5.2 million people in Somalia in 2024, an almost 40 percent decrease compared to 2023.

“Humanitarian needs will remain high in Somalia in 2024 due to recurring shocks, including climate events such as drought, floods, conflict, insecurity, widespread poverty and disease outbreaks,” OCHA said in its monthly humanitarian update issued in the capital, Mogadishu.

He added that these shocks will continue to drive humanitarian needs alongside underlying factors such as multidimensional poverty with 55 percent of the population living below the national poverty line, lack of diversified livelihoods and equitable economic growth, political divisions and marginalization, and poor delivery of basic services.

“Partners plan to strengthen cooperation with international development and financing partners to support progress and scale-up in three areas – durable solutions, disaster risk reduction associated with water management, and social protection frameworks,” the report stated.

The El NiƱo phenomenon, which has brought heavy rains and floods, is expected to persist between October and December 2023, the agency said, likely leading to higher-than-normal rainfall in March and early April. Forecasts by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Water and Land Information Management Department for Somalia indicate the risk of flash and river floods.

This, according to the UN agency, will put pressure on already strained services and increase the need for food, water, sanitation, health, education, protection and livelihood assistance, especially in settlements hosting displaced people.

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